This article provides an overview of how to create classes and add students manually in your CRT assessment program.

Creating a Class

1) Log in to your account by going to and enter your username and password. 

2) Click on the User Management icon across the top of your home page. 

3) Right below the User Management icon, click on the Manage Classes tab.

4) Click Add New Class and select your school from the first dropdown box. 

5) Under Course Name, give the class a name of your choosing. Example: Mrs. Folks Afternoon Pre-K Class

6) Select the Term and Class Type from the bottom two dropdown boxes. 

7) At the bottom of the page, you have the option to add additional teachers if needed. Simply click Assign Teacher and choose the correct teacher from the list.

8) Once all fields are filled out, click Submit. 

Adding Students to a Class

1) Click on the Manage Classes tab.

2) Locate the class you want to add students to and click the blue circle icon to the right of the class to assign students. 

3) Click Add New Students. 

4) Fill out all required fields on the following page. NOTE: Student local ID is a required field. 

5) Click Create Student at the bottom of the page. 

NOTE: You also have the option to add the student to a Program from the Add Students page. This is optional. 

6) To add additional students to the class, repeat steps 2 through 5.